Septic pumping is necessary in every septic system. All systems must be pumped in order to reduce sludge buildup in the tank. For a 4-person household, tanks should be pumped every 3 years. A tank that is improperly maintained will need to be pumped more often. It is vital to pump the tank to maintain your tank and leach field in good operating condition. This will prevent costly repairs and replacement down the road. A pump job can usually be scheduled within a few days of your call. Emergency calls are also available if the tank is backing up.
When calling to schedule a pump job, there are a few things you should know:
With normal maintenance, a septic system can be relied upon to operate in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner for years to come.
Pumping available in for the following Ohio counties: Athens, Morgan, Noble, and Washington. Pumping is also available in West Virginia in the vicinity of Parkersburg, Vienna, Williamstown and St. Marys.